My Life

just writing...

My Life

As I sit at my desk
 and think about my life
I've been through trials
 tribulations and strife.
I'm only twenty-two
 and I've already buried a parent
she left this world
 after she became coherent.
My father's been locked up 
 for fifteen years 
without him
 my life has been full of fears.
I've been through
 the juvenile and adult justice system
It's been hard without them
 I truly miss them
But my life
 I brought upon myself
I made my bed and slept in it
 with no one else
At times I wonder
 what life has to offer me?
Will there be any joy
 in the future for me?
Or will I always just be
 content with life
with my trials
 tribulations and strife?


  1. Mr Wilson,
    you are an extremely talented writer. I just completed your first offering in your 'She was a Friend of Mine' series and enjoyed it so much. Continued success to you. I left as review as I will be following your work and your blog. Kudos my brotha.


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