I wanted to tell a tale of love
and so i did
and so i did
It's a pity and I mean pitiful. She was so pretty and I mean beautiful.
She didn't know she was all I thought of, I didn't know how to tell her I was in love. Her eyes alone, by themselves, could tear apart a happy home and make your heart melt. Her beauty went beyond her skin down to her soul. I mean, I couldn't begin to explain how beautiful. There is no doubt that her looks is what is told about in story books. She was the cutie people died to get. She was the beauty which launched a thousand ships.
She use to be so happy, always singing a song. That is until he came alone. He was a looker, sort of light and that is what hooked her at first sight. It started real good, fun and laughter; she thought that he was her happily-ever-after. But slowly he began to tear her down, stopping her friends from coming around. The next phase you see, in some ways he attacked her self-esteem. He'd call her names; drag her self-esteem around. Feeling ashamed she kept her head down. "You're ugly, you little're lucky I'm still with you stupid bitch." When she finally looked up she didn't know who she was. She chopped it all up to the price of love. Even when he pulled her hair and blacked her eye, she stayed there wondering why. She knew it wasn't love that made her cry, but she was afraid of leaving this guy. Afraid to leave but scared to stay, praying that one day he'd change his ways. When she finally got the courage to leave he would, "baby, baby please." And she'd stay scared to never find love again. She couldn't go away she'd be alone without him. She was stuck; couldn't stay but couldn't go. She was in a rut and knew so. She couldn't live with him or without; she told herself over again that's what love's about.
So, she wrote it in a letter, telling whoever read this. Then she pulled herself together and cut her wrists.
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