
Maybe it's being a second child, idk. But there are times when I feel like I am invisible. There are times when I feel like I am sitting in a room full of people and all eyes are on me, but, no one sees me. I sometimes feel that even in my own life I am just a supporting actor.
And really, I should be bothered by it, but I'm not. I am okay with it. That's why I wrote Invisible to explore the way I really felt. 


The simplicity of my words are never heard.
The beautiful things I've said will never be read.
I open my mouth, and nothing comes out
and, I am contempt with this,
being an empty canvass.

I feel I've been writing with disappearing ink,
creating no record of what I think.
I am never seen because I am never heard.
I am invisible and so are my words.
I am invisible because I don't look the part,
beauty in cased withing a frozen heart.
Words and beauty fade away with age,
leaving behind an empty canvass; a blank page. 

Even when there's nothing left
I sing to the ears of the deaf
a beautiful song of hurt and a painful past;
a song of love and a bright future that will never come to pass.
I sing until my lungs are sore
though I know no one will hear my silent outpour.
Because I look nothing like they hoped.
I am just an empty canvass; black page; silent note.

My skin is everyday brown, 
my hair is the same as everyone else's around
my eyes aren't a rare color like green or blue
and my smile is nothing new.
They use my appearance to measure my soul,
therefor, I an normal; nothing special.
I am an empty canvass; I am a silent note; I'm unseen art.
I am a blank page; untitled; I am just another broken heart...


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