What Love is?

Today I was thinking about love and all the twists and turns it takes. Out of all the bad experiences we actively still seek it. With all the hurt that it's caused we are afraid to be without it. We are afraid to be alone so we go through the ringer over #love.
This is here was my attempt to describe what love has been to me.

What Love is?

Imagine you're floating peacefully to heaven...
Imagine the sweetest smell you've ever taken in...
Imagine the angels singing you to sleep,
imagine God's kiss upon your cheek when you meet.
Imagine being happy and feeling safe...
then imagine falling from God's grace.
Imagine falling so fast you can't breathe
Imagine not being able to smile or see
Imagine never laughing or being happy again
Imagine never wanting to move again
Imagine the worse way of dying 
then imagine you're floating, flying...
In a false sense of security and peace of mind
just to fall again another time.
If you can imagine or remember this
then you know what love is...


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