
I haven't had a lot of luck with love in my life, so I don't write and haven't written many #poems about love. I felt that the inspiration always led to something dark and twisted, something depressing. But, being a writer, I decided to see if I could. And Love came out, this is the first love poem I've ever written... I hope you enjoy


It is a feeling I barely understand,
 She as my Girl and I her Boyfriend.
I’d rather die with her than see another Sun set,
 I as her Romeo and she my Juliet.
I’d shout out my heart day out and day in,
    With her as my woman and I as her man.
If our feelings were breaking laws to the bloody end I’d ride,
    Cause you are my Bonnie and I your Clyde.
I’d give you the world and gladly my life,
    I as your husband and you as my wife.
I’d invoke a war and give up the world to destroy,
    I as the Trojan and you my Helen of Troy.
With each other our hearts will never grow weary or tired,
    You as the oxygen and I as the fire.
I’d willingly bring about the fall of man with the fruit I’d receive,
    For I am your Adam and you are my Eve.


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