Cycle of Love

I was listening to Ne-Yo unfaithful and being that the situation before, well, I just felt it was time for the man to speak about the...

Cycle of Love

As long as she's happy, I think, as she gets ready.
When she walks out the door my heart gets heavy.
She tells me she'll be back; that she's going out with friends.
But I've followed her before, I know all about the other men.
I just don't know why, what could it be?
Am I not giving it to her good enough?
Is she replacing me?
I give her everything but she still goes astray.
I'm afraid to comfront her about it because she might run away.
So, I sit back and watch her change and I know it's a shame.
The way I cover her tracks and act like I don't hear her call his name.
I know I'm a good man and any woman would be happy with a man like me
But something is making me stay when I know I should leave.
She comes back in the morning around three 
and I guess I'm happy she comes home to me.
I have to support us and go to work, I hate leaving her alone
so when the day is over, I rush home.
And there she is, right where I left her, making my heart heavy.
As long as she's happy I think as I get ready...


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