
Today while I was writing I started to think about regrets. I was thinking about the things that I've done and the lack of things that I've done with my life. I do regret a lot of things and though they might have shaped who I am today, I'd love to have gone without them and the lessons they taught.
I started to write about my many regrets but since the list would be endless so would this poem. I began thinking about what I felt was the ultimate regret, love.
Love, would be my next big regret. I felt the regret of loving or marrying someone, the wrong one was my next big regret. So, I wrote this poem, but I felt it would be better coming from a woman. It would be better coming from the fragile heart. I felt regrets from a doubting heart, a woman that was in love but doubted her future husband was. And that's how I came up with...


The veil covers my eyes;
the ring is on my hand.
The stars are in the sky,
as we become wife and man.
I speak in a steady voice,
a lover's happy vow.
The words are my heart's choice,
I am happy now.
We been together for so long,
this feels oh, so right.
I don't think our love is wrong 
under this starry night.
But then I hear his shaky vow
and wonder, is he happy now...

I look into his eyes as he takes a bow.
But his eyes says he lies as he says his vow.
I don't think they will be broken, a single word he say.
Instead I believe all that's spoken on this special day.
It's been a long wait for this special date.
I thought it was fate and he was my soul's mate.
But if I'm not mistaken,
he regrets the vows he's taken.


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